
prensa y textos curatoriales



The story behind the Medusa statue that has become the perfect avatar for women’s rage


Maybe you’ve seen her in your social media feed. A woman in the midst of an unsavory, unrequested task, she stands naked, her hair a tangle of serpents, a sword in one hand, a severed head in the other. Her gaze is not triumphant, exactly, but resolute.

This vision of a re-imagined Medusa myth is a sculpture by Luciano Garbati, a 45-year-old Argentine-Italian artist based in Buenos Aires who has watched in amazement lately as a piece of art he made in 2008 has gone viral across social media, as the perfect avatar for a moment of female rage.



You can now visit the Medusa statue that #MeToo made famous


Bek Andersen was scrolling through her Instagram feed, looking for something to cheer her up. It was Oct. 6, the day the US Senate voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court justice, despite testimony from Christine Blasey Ford that he had sexually assaulted her at a party when they were both teenagers. “I came across a post with an image of Garbati’s Medusa, and it said, ‘Be grateful we’re seeking equality, not revenge,'” the photographer and artist said in a phone call. “I have worked with ideas of flipping the script in my own works, and so it kind of hit a nerve with me.”



La historia de la Medusa argentina que se convirtió en un símbolo del feminismo en EEUU

por Juan Batalla

La estatua de 2008 del artista Luciano Garbati alcanzó estatus de fenómeno viral a partir de un posteo en Facebook y acaba de ser exhibida en una muestra en Nueva York. Infobae Cultura dialogó con el creador de la obra sobre las razones que la convirtieron en una imagen representativa del #MeToo y las reacciones según el género, entre otros temas



Feminist Medusa

Ceren Çıplak Drillat

Son dönemde sosyal medya ağlarında bir “Medusa” heykeli dolaşıyor. Ve bu heykel, Floransa’da sergilenen ve Medusa’nın kesik başını elinde tutan Perseus’un “zafer” tasvirini reddediyor! Yeni yorumda Medusa’nın elinde Perseus’un başını görüyoruz!

A szobor, amely gyógyítja a nőket

szerző: Sándor Anna

Az embereket kővé dermesztő Medúza alakja szörnyetegből a női harag szimbólumává vált. A folyamat egyik látványos állomása Luciano Garbati szobra, amelynek elkészítésekor a művész csavart egyet az eredeti történeten: nála Medúza győzi le Perszeuszt. A Me Too hatására a szobor meghódította az internetet, és sok nő vall például arról, milyen katartikus folyamatokat indított el benne az alkotás. Erről is kérdeztük az argentin-olasz Luciano Garbatit.


The Hindu

Luciano Garbati's 'Medusa'

By Anusua Mukherjee

In the Renaissance artist Cellini's famous bronze sculpture of Perseus with the head of Medusa, the Greek hero holds up the severed head of the feared Gorgon he has vanquished in battle, in a photoop moment.

Yet, the fight must have been unequal - Perseus had the gods helping him and Medusa, even if a dreaded monster, was a mortal woman and pregnant at the time.



İntikam Ateşinin Heykellerde Bile Sönmediğini Gösteren Medusa’nın Heykeli Ve Hikayesi

Ala Yosma

Yüzlerce filme, kitaba, diziye konu olmuş Yunan Mitolojisi’nin en dikkat çekici tanrıçalarından biri şüphesiz yılanlardan oluşan saçlarıyla Medusa olmuştur çoğumuz için. Athena’nın Perseus’a verdiği kılıçla öldürüldüğünü, Poseidon tarafından tecavüze uğradığı için yine Poseidon tarafından sürgün edildiğini, güzeller güzeli tanrıçanın hayatının nasıl zehir edildiğini, bu trajik hikayeyi hemen hemen biliyoruz. Buenos Aires’te yaşan Arjantin-İtalyan sanatçı Luciano Garbati, bu olaya artık bir dur demiş ve bakalım bakalım neler yapmış.